Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome Barry and Mary

I don’t know about you but it definitely feels like this year is well and truly underway, there’s so much going on at church with the theology and ministry courses taking place and Easter is just around the corner.

However,  i’m really excited about Barry and Mary Kissell coming over from the UK to share with us. Barry, a kiwi is the Associate Rector and Mary runs the prayer and freedom courses at St. Mary’s, Bryanston Square. They have visited us before and we’re really looking forward to having them with us. They are arriving at the end of March.

Last week I was down near Wellington staying with Jenny and Justin Duckworth who lead ‘Urban Vision’. They share life with those who are struggling, homelsess, sick, poor neglected and otherwise marginalised. It was great to see faith being lived out in a different way and I really learnt a lot from their leadership and a real challenge to me as to how we at St. Pauls ‘do’ community.

Next week we have the AGM. Come and celebrate. I hope you’ll all be able to make it. It’s going to be great looking at all that’s taken place in the past year and our plans for the future.

And I am really hoping that the weather is going to be good for the “Big Day out” this Saturday. Don’t forget to check the website on Friday where we will confirm whether or not it is still on.

This weekend we are continuing out Lenten journey and I am going to be reflecting on what it means to worship…