Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Not Long Now

Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that the RWC is nearly here. I am so excited. Go the AB’s!

Now, no one replied to my last post on defining the essence of the Kiwi. Thanks for nothing. Weetbix have however given me some inspiration. Our family has been endlessly munching through weetbix to get the World Cup All Black cards (We had a result this morning we finally got Dan Carter). This is what it said on the back of the box:

“The All Blacks are not just our heroes. They represent us a nation. They epitomize what it means to be a New Zealander. Taking on the world. Giving our all. Stopping for nothing. For no one. They take pride in wearing the black jersey. We take pride in getting behind them. Giving them the support they need to go above and beyond the call of duty. Because they are our team. They bring us together. They put us on the edge of our seats. They make us cheer. They make us cry. They make us who we are. They are New Zealanders. They are the All Blacks.”

Wow! I can feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. What do you make of this? Do you like this spiel?  Is anyone going to post anything? Mum?

By the way, I am starting a new and long series on life this Sunday morning. I hope it is going to be good. It is entitled "Precious People/ Beautiful Life" and I am going to think about what is to be human. What expectations we can have of life? What expectations we can have of God? I am hoping we are going to be in for lots of encouragement and surprises. We also have some Father's Day antics.

We’ll see what happens. Especially to the All Blacks!!!! May they win...

1 comment:

  1. And thankfully they aren't requiring us to abstain for the game anymore. Go Ab's! Keep up the good spiel Mike. Look forward to Sunday.
